Give Jesus Christ a Chance part one

You know, after all of man’s attempts to create a better world, whether through democracy, liberalism, or colonization, etc. we have never been farther  from achieving that dream, instead we as a specie are edging closer to Armageddon with each passing day. We have more Health practitioners, psychologist, biochemist, chemical analyst, food scientist, politicians, reformers and engineers in the world today, than at any other point in the history of humanity. Yet for all our achievements and developments, we are still ultimately destroying ourselves. Crime across the Globe continues to rise, divorce rate continues to increase, morals in all its definition is being reconfigured, and that is to say, what was initially thought of as right is now considered wrong and vice versa. I mean people still find time to kidnap their own specie during a global lock-down! People continue to search for something to fill a gaping hole within themselves, and they turn to alcohol, drugs, promiscuity amongst other things. All of which leads to utter disappointment, mental breakdown, and addiction. The streets are filled with junkies and the homeless, a figure that is also increasing. The world has effectively adopted the philosophy, “do what thou will”, which is the concept of self-actualization, self-fulfillment, it is all just self, and as the results show, we have plunged further into darkness. This all sounds gloomy and sad, but it is the truth my friend, and if we are to give ourselves another 50 years, then we are in big trouble with global warming and the rumors of wars intensifying. We may even God forbid start sacrificing babies, publicly. We are now deeply engaged in another pandemic, which many believe was a result of the Chinese Government’s bid to synthesize a new bio-weapon, which has now escaped/released, and has rendered the entire shutdown of the Globe. Although tragic, it gives us the opportunity for a grand self-introspection, and the time to ultimately understand the root of our dilemma.
You know, about 2,000 years ago, a man by the name of Jesus Christ came on the scene preaching of a kingdom. Defining and demonstrating what love is and how we are to live, one to another. He said, “Love your neighbors as yourselves”. Simple, right, but if we are to think carefully of those words and do a virtual simulation, we would realize that most of our problems would cease to exist. If you love your neighbor (anyone) as yourself, you would not steal, lie, kill or covet their resources, just to name a few. It boggles the mind that a man can propose something so simple that can be of such positive impact in our world, and it does not come in the form of a 200-page constitution. In fact, there is no law against such a concept. I know the person of Jesus Christ never really leaves the mind, so let us delve into it a little. Well we know he did walk the earth, you have to at least admit that, but did he perform all those miracles? was he raised from the dead,? or better yet is he God? If you are not one of his disciples, an unbeliever essentially, it is very likely you do not know, or you may even say you do not believe any of it, and this is mainly because you have not been paying attention. There is so much other things in front of you. School, work, your dreams, and if I may say, even gods that you or someone else has conveniently prepared for you. So I get you. Surprisingly, that is why he said, “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost”. That is so true if you look at it, because without Jesus you would have been another statistic condemning the world to destruction. Think about it. The world however, is saved through Jesus Christ. That is 2/2 for Jesus by the way, this man clearly knows something we don’t. You know he preached for m about 3,500 miles and boldly said, the message of the kingdom will be preached to all nations. Friend, I am here in Jamaica. His message could have and probably should have died 100 years after his crucifixion, lost in the pages of books, or in those times scrolls, instead it spread like wild fire. What is it about Jesus Christ that his ministry left Israel and has since spread throughout the world? I mean this man can see into the future. They refer to them as profits/seers, and that is 3/3 for Jesus Christ. I mean I could go on and on and on and on.
Taking this into perspective, just a single sand grain of truth lying amidst the seashore. What if Jesus Christ is indeed GOD? What if he is the truth, they way and the life. At the very least friend, I encourage you to ask him, to pray to him, asking for more of the truth. I mean if there is a 1% chance you should really look into it. Your eternal destiny depends on it.
Until next time.


  1. Thought provoking and factual. We really have to ensure that we make our calling and election sure.

  2. Insightful. What is UNICEF doing about the Children sacrifices?

  3. Inspiring words for both believers and unbelievers. A timely charge to seek the kingdom of God, bless you πŸ™πŸ™Œ


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